Fire Protection Company “ADA Solutions”


Ada Solution is a company that provides cost-effective passive fire protection systems to protect life and properties. The company is situated in Derby, United Kingdom and has over 5 years of experience in the field.


Ada Solution did not have a website. This set them in a disadvantaged position among its competitors from the same city. The company provides high-quality services but did not have a proper understanding of how to properly display and sell them online. 


We helped them in achieving their goals and build a website according to their requirements. The website was powered with WordPress and a clean picture-focused design. Besides, the content was provided by us and well-displayed on the website pages.


As a result, the client received a fully-functional, fast-loading, great-looking, and mobile-friendly website. Now the company can save their time by gathering their clients` requests online through completing a simple questionnaire on their website. 

How Can We help?

Ready to discuss rebuilding your website or designing a brand new? Contact me now, so we can learn more about each other and determine if we are a good fit. No obligations, I’m looking forward to hear from you!
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