Use illustrations to draw attention, highlight key points and evoke emotions on your website

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You’ve heard it before: visuals are a key part of any successful marketing campaign. But what if you’re not able to use video or images? What can you do then? The answer is simple: use illustrations! They have been used for thousands of years for a reason: because they work.

Visualize abstract concepts.

Illustrations can help you visualize and understand abstract concepts. They can also help you remember them and communicate them to others.

When it comes to conveying abstract ideas, illustrations have the power to conjure up images that are more real than words alone can create. A picture is worth a thousand words, after all! Take time to choose the right illustration for your message—one that captures the essence of what you’re trying to say while adding value by being aesthetically pleasing as well.

Add emotions to your content.

Illustrations can help you connect with your audience.

You have a message, and it’s important to convey that message clearly.

Using illustrations can help you do just that by adding emotions to your content, which means it’s more engaging for the reader and makes it easier for them to remember what you’re saying.

Source: Dribble

Make messages stand out.

As a general rule, the more you can make your messages stand out, the better. Illustrations are an excellent way to do this. They can be used to emphasize important messages or make them stand out from the rest of your content. They also make it easier for readers to remember what you’re saying and make any message more engaging.

Communicate information clearly.

Illustrations can help you communicate information clearly and effectively.

Designers have to make their clients’ messages clear and easy to understand. It’s not just about communicating the facts or content—designers use illustration to help people remember those facts, too.

For example, if your client is a financial institution that wants you to design an ad campaign for them with the goal of getting more customers into their branch locations, you could use illustrations of happy customers using their services at one branch location and compare it against another branch where no one is using any of their services. This would be much more effective than just showing some random stock photos of smiling people standing in front of banks or ATMs because now it’s easier for potential customers to relate what they’re seeing directly back to something they already know (and probably already like).

Source: Dribble

Highlight important information.

Illustrations can be used to highlight important information. This is particularly helpful when you have a lot of information to convey in a limited space and want to make sure that your readers don’t miss any critical points. To do this, you can use illustrations as visual cues for readers.

For example, if there are three steps in a process and you want people to follow them in order, then you could place an illustration depicting the first step next to each step so that it stands out more than the other two images combined with its proximity and size relative to other content on the page. It might even be possible that by placing an image next-to text or directly over text (depending on how much space there is), it will become more memorable than if it were placed at random places around your document.

Source: Centili

By using illustrations on your website, you can add a whole new dimension to the way you communicate with your customers or readers.

Illustrations are a great way to add a personal touch to your website. They can help you communicate ideas, concepts, and emotions in a way that’s much more effective than just using words. You’ll want to use illustrations that match the style of your website. For example, if you have an e-commerce site selling shoes for kids, then it makes sense for you to use kid-friendly images of children wearing the shoes on your homepage (as opposed to sketches done by an adult in a notebook).

But even beyond using illustrations as part of your design elements such as headers or backgrounds on pages—illustrations can also be used within the content itself! If there’s something important about how long it takes for customers’ orders to ship out after they’ve paid full price which needs emphasizing above all else – well then do so with some fun little pictures depicting those same facts but framed around different scenarios like “two days” vs “four days”.

Source: Todoist


Illustrations are a powerful form of communication, and they work well on the web. But, as with any type of content, you need to be careful how you use them. Make sure that your illustrations don’t take away from the message you want to communicate by making it too busy or distracting. Also, remember that illustration can be used for more than just adding visual appeal—it can also help bring abstract concepts into reality or add emotions to an otherwise emotionless topic!

Dmitry Bilchenko

Dmitry Bilchenko

My name is Dmitry and I am a web designer and entrepreneur. I specialize in creating beautiful and functional websites that will help you attract more customers, sell more products and make more money.

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